Compliance Passport

Individual Student Profiles: With easy-to-create accounts, each student has a unique profile within the platform. Here they can input and update their personal information, academic details, and clinical preferences. When information changes, students can quickly update their profiles ensuring they stay up-to-date at all times. The information stored on their profiles is securely stored and can be accessed by educators as needed.

Document Submission And Verification: As an educator, your time spent working on student documents is greatly reduced as students can upload their required documents directly to their profiles. The platform then employs automated verification processes to ensure that documents are valid and meet the necessary compliance standards before you even see them.

Document Tracking And Reminders: No more making phone calls and sending reminders to students on expiring paperwork. Our system detects and sends automated reminders to students when documents are nearing expiration. This reduces the likelihood of missing deadlines and helps students stay current with their compliance requirements while eliminating extra steps for you.

A Hassle-Free Way To Stay Compliant

Introducing our proprietary and innovative solution for streamlining the document management process: The Compliance Passport. Created for those responsible for reviewing and onboarding large numbers of students for clinical rotations, we bring the all-in-one solution. With nothing to install, 100% online, and built with a user-friendly interface, you now have a way to manage, track, and verify the required documents and credentials of each student. You can now ensure full compliance is met before students participate in clinical experiences. We’ve created a solution that covers all your current needs, and those that you haven’t even faced yet.

Key Features Include:

Centralized Document Repository: The main function of the Compliance Passport serves as a centralized repository where students can upload and maintain their essential documents. This can include immunization records, background checks, health certifications, liability insurance, and other compliance-related documents. By having everything in one spot and 100% online, you can ensure no paperwork is missed or lost and that the student’s information is kept private.
Individual Student Profiles: With easy-to-create accounts, each student has a unique profile within the platform. Here they can input and update their personal information, academic details, and clinical preferences. When information changes, students can quickly update their profiles ensuring they stay up-to-date at all times. The information stored on their profiles is securely stored and can be accessed by educators as needed.

Document Submission And Verification: As an educator, your time spent working on student documents is greatly reduced as students can upload their required documents directly to their profiles. The platform then employs automated verification processes to ensure that documents are valid and meet the necessary compliance standards before you even see them.

Document Tracking And Reminders: No more making phone calls and sending reminders to students on expiring paperwork. Our system detects and sends automated reminders to students when documents are nearing expiration. This reduces the likelihood of missing deadlines and helps students stay current with their compliance requirements while eliminating extra steps for you.

A Hassle-Free Way To Stay Compliant

Introducing our proprietary and innovative solution for streamlining the document management process: The Compliance Passport. Created for those responsible for reviewing and onboarding large numbers of students for clinical rotations, we bring the all-in-one solution. With nothing to install, 100% online, and built with a user-friendly interface, you now have a way to manage, track, and verify the required documents and credentials of each student. You can now ensure full compliance is met before students participate in clinical experiences. We’ve created a solution that covers all your current needs, and those that you haven’t even faced yet.

Key Features Include:

Centralized Document Repository: The main function of the Compliance Passport serves as a centralized repository where students can upload and maintain their essential documents. This can include immunization records, background checks, health certifications, liability insurance, and other compliance-related documents. By having everything in one spot and 100% online, you can ensure no paperwork is missed or lost and that the student’s information is kept private.
Educator Dashboard: With the educator dashboard view, clinical educators have a unique dashboard that provides an overview of all their assigned students and their respective compliance statuses. This allows educators to efficiently monitor and manage a large number of students with a full transparent view of everyone involved.

Review And Approval Workflow: Educators can review uploaded documents and either approve them as compliant or request revisions if necessary. The platform tracks the approval process, creating an audit trail for future reference. Educators can even send these notifications to the students, asking for revisions through the platform.

Real-Time Communication: No need for educators to leave the platform and make calls. The platform allows for secure communication between educators and students. If there are any discrepancies, a need for additional information, or clarification needed from a student – both educators and students can communicate with each other directly through the platform.

Reporting And Analytics: You can now ensure all students are compliant before they start their clinical rotations, thanks to reports and analytics that are generated for educators to assess compliance rates. These reports will catch any non-compliant issues that need to be addressed.

Be Better Prepared For Clinical Rotations

The Compliance Passport was designed to ensure students are fully compliant before beginning their clinical rotations. It was also created to give each student and clinical staff member a more seamless experience with fewer setbacks.

Some Of The Benefits You Can Expect Include:

Time Savings: The Compliance Passport significantly reduces the time educators spend on manual document collection, organization, and verification. By automating the process, educators can focus their valuable time on other areas, such as the educational aspects of their role.

Accuracy And Consistency: With the automated verification processes, documents are accurately reviewed to ensure they meet the required standards for all students, across all documents.

Reduced Administrative Burden: Whether it’s a document someone just turned in or one from months ago, educators can avoid the hassle of managing physical paperwork. Instead, access all necessary information and documents 100% online.

Be Better Prepared For Clinical Rotations

The Compliance Passport was designed to ensure students are fully compliant before beginning their clinical rotations. It was also created to give each student and clinical staff member a more seamless experience with fewer setbacks.

Some Of The Benefits You Can Expect Include:

Time Savings: The Compliance Passport significantly reduces the time educators spend on manual document collection, organization, and verification. By automating the process, educators can focus their valuable time on other areas, such as the educational aspects of their role.

Accuracy And Consistency: With the automated verification processes, documents are accurately reviewed to ensure they meet the required standards for all students, across all documents.

Reduced Administrative Burden: Whether it’s a document someone just turned in or one from months ago, educators can avoid the hassle of managing physical paperwork. Instead, access all necessary information and documents 100% online.

Enhanced Communication: In an industry where communication is paramount, the platform facilitates seamless communication between educators and students. This promotes clarity and efficiency in the document review process.

Compliance Tracking: The automated tracking and reminder system helps students stay up-to-date with their compliance requirements, reducing the risk of overlooking essential documentation. With automated alerts and messages, students are prompted when additional information is needed.

Data Security: Privacy and security are always a big concern, especially when handling thousands of documents and papers. The Compliance Passport ensures the security and confidentiality of sensitive student information through robust encryption and access controls. The educators or admins assigned can also determine who gets access to documents, ensuring an additional level of protection.

Improved Oversight: Educators can easily track the compliance status of each student and quickly identify any outstanding issues, helping to ensure all students are fully prepared for clinical rotations.

Scalability: The platform is designed to handle a small number of students all the way up to a very large number of students, making it suitable for institutions with a high volume of clinical rotations.

The Compliance Passport offers an efficient and user-friendly solution to address the many challenges faced by clinical educators in managing the compliance documentation of numerous students. It enhances the organization and communication, ultimately contributing to a smoother clinical student onboarding process and experience.